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Address Verification
Address Verification

The address verification service (AVS) is used to ensure the security of transactions made using credit or debit cards online.

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Written by Edward
Updated over a week ago

The address verification service (AVS) is used to ensure the security of transactions made using credit or debit cards online.

What is address verification?

Basically, AVS is the check that payment processors perform when your card is used in order to make sure that the owner of a credit or debit card is the one making the transaction. It means that you must type in the correct billing information when making a purchase.

What does this mean for you as a Slash user?

Slash virtual cards will always automatically pass AVS checks. This means that you can use any billing information you wish when checking out items from a retailer!
The physical Slash Debit card, however, will only work when used with the address information you have on file with Slash, founds under settings. If a purchase is declined for failing AVS, you'll receive an email informing you of this.

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